Voices for Children of the Suwannee Valley is a non-profit organization that directly supports the 3rd Judicial Circuit Guardian ad Litem. We are a United Way community impact partner agency.
About Guardian ad Litem
The Guardian ad Litem is appointed by the court to represents the best interest of children that have been abused, abandoned or neglected. The mission of the Guardian ad Litem is to provide the most vulnerable children in Florida with an adult from their community who will be a consistent, positive presence in the child’s life as part of a multi-disciplinary team with trained volunteers, staff attorneys, and child welfare professionals providing the highest quality community advocacy and legal representation to protect each child’s rights and best interests.
Through fundraising programs, donations and special events, Voices for Children provides financial support to the 3rd Circuit Guardian ad Litem office and the children and families they serve. The support received assists in providing the children with clothing, shoes, beds, books bags, school supplies, assistance with sporting activities/equipment, camp fees, counseling, and much more. Voices also provides support for volunteer recruitment and training.
“You’re the only one who ever listened
to me or asked my opinion.”
-14-year-old girl to her Guardian ad Litem